• iReport: adding QRCode to Jasper reports the easy way

    After testing various complicated solutions to embed a QR Code into iReport Jasper reports, the easiest way I’ve found is this: 1) Put ZXing’s Core and JavaSE jars in the classpath (using Tools/Options/Classpath if compiling locally, or the classpath property if using Ant and net.sf.jasperreports.ant.JRAntCompileTask) ZXing Core jar ZXing JavaSE jar 2) Add an image…

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  • How to add the ATV4 orbit data to Stellarium

    (English version – see also French version) ESA’s ATV-4 Albert Einstein was successfully launched yesterday and is now orbiting Earth for nine days prior to its automated rendez-vous with the International Space Station. As for each satellite, it has TLE (Two-Line element) data publically available and it can be downloaded from celestrak.com for example…

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  • T-shirts and other things for wannabe astronauts

    I prepared, as a surprise for my space-fan child Paul, a T-shirt featuring the ISS – International Space Station. While I was at it, I took a bit more time and decided to make more, maybe some people will like it. So there are various ISS T-shirts, some Soyuz-based T-shirts, and some gadgets. I made…

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