A lot of people my age that touched Macintoshes in the nineties know that game, Glider, written by John Calhoun. I recently started wanting to try and program a game for the Apple II as it is something I never attempted before, and I wanted to see if I got good enough at 6502 assembly for that. After a difficult start, I managed to have the project take off (pun intended) and decided to make a Glider reimplementation for the Apple II.

I hope you will enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed developing it!
Glider for Apple II is now freely downloadable:

Download the Glider for Apple II floppy image
Download the Bulgarian version of Glider for Apple II
If you find issues, please report them on the issue tracker!
Glider for Apple II requires an Apple ][+ or more recent; on the Apple ][+, a Mouse Card and mouse are required to play. On more recent computers of the Apple II line, the mouse is optional and Glider can be controlled either by mouse or keyboard. Glider for Apple II is best enjoyed on a monochrome screen. This is a design choice.
If you’re interested in some technical details about my first 6502 game’s development, I have put up a Glider for Apple II development log article.
Oldies but Goodies ! Merci
This is so cool. Can’t wait to check it out!
Downloaded! Fun game. Thanks again. Frank
Awesome! Thank you for using my drawing in the game : )
Also, great job with the other graphics that aren’t from the official Glider games. The sun room is beautiful. And I love the harmless sleeping cats.
I just played through it on actual hardware and had a good time.
Hi Japhy! Thanks for the drawing and the kind feedback :-)
I like how flicker-free and smooth the glider is, pretty impressive that you can do it all during a VBlank.