• A week with little Paul

    Since I’m out of a job, I’ve got some time these days, and I spent the last three days with Paul. It was nice ! On monday we went to my ex-job in order to help Lynette (the HR person) getting internet back, We went by bike with Paul in the Gobug trailer. I was afraid…

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  • A new hosting change, again, for Claws Mail

    Since a few years, our website, www.claws-mail.org, has been hosted by the nice people of Develog. Our CVS and mailing-lists were hosted on dotsrc.org, another bunch of nice guys offering hosting to free software projects since years. However, they’re starting to lack time and manpower to continue providing hosting — I guess they’re, like us…

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  • Datacenters and power consumption

    Now that we’re in 2009, it’s been a few years since we’re more and more aware that energy is a valuable resource that should be spared. Where I work I’m handling a medium-sized datacenter of 160 servers, and they use approximately 28 kW of power. 28.000 watts, that represents 470 light bulbs, always on, burning…

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  • QuitCount: what did I save since smoking?

    Paul (my friend, not my son) said to me some time ago, “Still obsessed with smoking, I see ;-)”. That made me realize that indeed, stopping smoking sometimes make me think more about it than I did when I smoked. I guess that’s rather logical, I’m still in the long process of readjustment (of…

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  • Webkit2pdf

    Some time before Christmas, I was looking for a nice gift to Clo and had a idea I found good: a good quality printed version of her blog, for the souvenir, would be quite unique and nice. Problem is that printing it would be really painful, with about 80 posts, I didn’t want to do…

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