• Bilan de Mr Sarkozy

    Voici un petit bilan partiel (et sans nul doute partial) de Nicolas Sarkozy, sur certains sujets qui m’importent. Expulsion de réfugiés politiques malencontreuses: http://www.educationsansfrontieres.org/spip.php?article4833 Big brother awards 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006: http://bigbrotherawards.eu.org/spip.php?page=recherche&recherche=sarkozy en particulier: Loi sur la sécurité intérieure: fichage ADN généralisé: http://www.liberation.fr/actualite/societe/216680.FR.php http://bigbrotherawards.eu.org/Nicolas-Sarkozy-ministre-de-l.html?var_recherche=sarkozy Interdiction de diffusion…

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  • Things

    Ok, while annoying my sister who doesn’t post enough, I realised I didn’t post anything since a month. So, here are some things. I’m disgusted by the presidential election’s results in the first round; which means I’ll be disgusted, whatever happens, by the final result. Crap like that tend to happen every five years… I’m…

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  • Little sister!

    It looks like my little sister grew up really fast while I wasn’t looking… Fanny and William will get married next year! (following my lead, hehe) I’m really happy for you both!…

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  • Lack of time…

    Wow, it’s been quite hard to find a few minutes with nothing else to do than open this Write Post page… So, I’ve been doing lots of things since Nov 13… Spent two weeks in Guadeloupe with Clo, this was our wedding gift, so many thanks to everyone! We had a great time, nice hot…

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