Londres Il y a eu des attentats hier à Londres, avec un bilan de plus de 30 morts… J’hallucine! Qu’est-ce qu’ils croient résoudre par ce genre d’action ? En quoi cela peut-il aider leur cause ? Quelle cause, d’ailleurs ?… Aucune revendication claire n’a été faite ! Toutes mes pensées aux Londoniens. Je ne sais pas trop quoi…
08/07/2005 Lire la suite...-
That, since yesterday. How are my coworkers who only recently arrived in Toulouse supposed to believe me when I tell them the weather is great here?…
14/06/2005 Lire la suite... -
Why I voted NO to the European constitution
Just give a look at how software patents make their way in. Passing the software patents during a fisheries meeting Maneuver fails thanks to Poland Fisheries, take 2 European Parliament requests a restart of the procedure European Commission rejects this request Looks like the European Commission is working with Microsoft on this? Is that democracy…
30/05/2005 Lire la suite... -
« Phishers get personal », web sites and security 101
I read an interesting article about how phishers (that is, people trying to get personal informations about you, generally in order to empty your bank account) try more advanced techniques now. According to the articles, they feed various websites’ login forms and password remainder pages with various email addresses, hoping to get results that’ll tell…
27/05/2005 Lire la suite... -
Spam, Copy-Control
Spam Some asshole sent out a batch of spam using my address as From: address. It’s the second time already… I came back at the computer today and found 58 bounces in my mailbox. ISPs, maybe it’s time you start using SPF? Copy-Control Last time I bought an Asian Dub Foundation album, I found it…
15/05/2005 Lire la suite...