• Crazy ideas

    This post by Miguel de Icaza makes me wonder whether it’s April 1st already. I could export [my photos] to a folder and then scp the files over, but thats just because am a beautiful and unique snowflake. Other non-hacker types might not be able to pull the scp trick. Non-hackers types will have, I’m…

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  • Stuff

    Wine I got a bottle of south-african wine in the mail, as promised at gapingvoid.com. This is a marketing experimentation: provide samples to bloggers and let word-of-mouth advertise your product. Nice idea, I have to say, especially since the wine tasted good! Car Trying to get my rear brakes changed. Not as easy as it…

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  • The miracles of Intellectual Property

    So, Sony/BMG released some audio CDs with a new DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) system to prevent their copy. The problem is that this DRM system comes in the form of a rootkit (a piece of software that is used to take control of a computer, that is: a pirate tool), and this has been widely…

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  • Banlieues

    Lu sur l’article Wikipedia traitant des émeutes actuelles en banlieue parisienne: Le journal de Munich SÌddeutsche Zeitung (centre-gauche) s’en prend à Nicolas Sarkozy, « devenu un visage de haine pour tous ceux qui sont sans espoir dans les banlieues ». « Sarkozy a jeté de l’huile sur le feu » en déclarant qu’il fallait « nettoyer » les banlieues et lorsqu’il…

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  • Ubuntu packages

    I finally got around to upload precompiled packages for Ubuntu Breezy. Users of this (great) distribution can just add the following to their /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://claws.sylpheed.org/ubuntu/breezy/ ./ There are packages for libetpan-0.39 (libetpan3) and sylpheed-claws-1.9.99 (sylpheed-claws-gtk2). Enjoy!…

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