• Nice moments

    Having a baby isn’t always the easiest thing in the world, but there are some moments that are particularly enjoyable. By the way, little Paul had his second monthiversary yesterday. Time goes fast! …

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  • Organizing core dumps

    Tired of looking for core files in your whole $HOME (because apps do chdir, and cores are by default in $PWD)? mkdir /cores; chmod go+w /cores; echo « /cores/%e.%p.core » > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern And voilà, you’ll find your cores easily in /cores. Much easier than find ~ -mtime 0 -name ‘core*’ !…

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  • Dell’s Ubuntu offering

    Yesterday I received my new laptop, a Dell XPS m1330. I bought it to replace Clo’s aging laptop (the right hinge is broken, the battery is dead, and the DVD drive is so utterly broken I had to physically remove it because the stream of errors logged to syslogd made the laptop slow…) with my…

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  • Registar switch

    Back in may 2001, I grabbed my first domain name, colino.net. I wanted to stop switching URL each time I switched the hosting. At the time I had…

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  • Résiliation de contrats à la MAAF, les doigts dans le nez

    Vous l’avez sans doute remarqué : dans le domaine des assurances ou des banques, il est toujours beaucoup plus facile de souscrire un contrat que d’en résilier un, tout comme il est beaucoup plus facile de payer que de se faire rembourser après un sinistre… Eh bien, la MAAF ne déroge pas à cette règle ! Vous…

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