• Ancien article sur Sylpheed-Claws

    Il y a quelques jours, Unixgarden a publié sur son site un ancien article que j’avais écrit pour Linux Pratique, qui visait à présenter Sylpheed-Claws — qui ne s’appelait pas encore Claws Mail :-) Voici l’article. Ça me fait de vieux souvenirs, je l’ai écrit entre la version 1.9.14 et 1.9.15, c’est à dire début…

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  • The Sylpheed-Claws meeting!

    The Sylpheed-Claws meeting finally happened this week-end! It’s been really nice to meet these people I work with since such a long time, and to put faces on names. It wasn’t a technical meeting at all, these ones can be done via email or IRC, just a meeting involving food, drinks and chatting; but we’ve…

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  • When did you start using Sylpheed-Claws?

    Quick poll :) I discovered Sylpheed then Sylpheed-Claws in December 2001. Started with Sylpheed version 0.6.6 (GTK+ 1.2.10; ), then after one month and two patches integrated in -Claws, switched to Sylpheed version 0.7.0claws (GTK+ 1.2.10; i686-pc-linux-gnu). Didn’t look back since then… What about you? (use an extended search in your sent folder, like: header « X-Mailer »…

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  • Sylpheed-Claws 2.5.0, 2.5.1 and 2.5.2

    Finally, we released Sylpheed-Claws 2.5.0, with nice new features like a Bogofilter plugin, quotes folding, per-account filtering on so on… But bad luck, the evening after the release, we learn that the Bogofilter has a bug that duplicates messages. Given it’s annoying enough, Paul does 2.5.1, and releases that this morning… But bad luck, hours…

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