Pmudmon - iBook and Powerbook battery monitor


Frequently Asked Questions:
  • What is pmudmon ?
    A gnome-applet battery monitor for the apple ibook, and newer powerbooks. Also runs under kde and other enviroments.
  • Which powerbooks ?
    This program has been reported to work on The powerbook G3 wallstreet, wallstreet II, and Lombard.
    If you manage to get this to work on any other powerbooks please email me.
  • What are the requirements ?
    • pmud
      I got my version from rpmfind.
    • gnome
      For the applet you need gnome-core development and all its dependancies. For the version that runs under kde you only need gnome-libs development and all their dependancies. If you aren't planning on compiling pmudmon you only need the non development packages.
  • How to build pmudmon ?
    Just Type make; make install; It should appear in the monitors section of your applets menu.
    Starting in version 0.3 you can compile this as a windowed application. This means you can use it in other enviroments. See the makefile for this. There is a really good article on how to install this under kde at ResExcellence. This program has been reported to work on The powerbook G3 wallstreet, wallstreet II, and Lombard.

  • March 13, 2003
    0.6.1 release fixing a memory leak in the temperature display code.
  • October 30, 2002
    I (Colin) started maintaining pmudmon for Michal Palczewski, the original author.
    By the way, i made a 0.6.0 version containing my patch, which allows to display the cpu temperature.

The obligatory screenshots:

Get it:

Michal Palczewski - Colin Leroy - pmudmon is GPL.