patches [back] When the three following conditions happen together : - have the time - have the need - have the skills I patch free software I use in order to kill a bug or add a feature I miss. Here they are ; I remove patches which have have been integrated to available versions of software. All patches here should be applied with "patch -p1". Don't forget to check versions before applying patches, you could have to manually apply/modify them if your software is not the same version as the one I used for the patch. All patches (no ordering, no comments, even integrated ones) Linux stuff that has been integrated linux-2.4.19-ctrl_click.patch This is a Macintosh-specific (or, to be more precise, a one-button-mouse-specific) patch. It causes control-clicks to be handled by Linux kernel, and on-the-fly transformed to right-clicks. Just like in MacOS. This can be annoying with some applications using ctrl-clicks to do something, but when this happens to me I patch the app to use mod2 instead of ctrl. This patch is a little sensitive as you should release the click before the control key in order to let it work fine. But that's really, really more intuitive (just like under MacOS !) that having to hit F12 to perform a right-click as it works under linuxPPC. download rclick_key_modifier-2.4.23.diff Same patch, more evolved: lets you specify which key to use as modifier via /proc/sys/dev/mac_hid/rclick_key_modifier. use 29 for Ctrl, 125 for Command. download rclick_key_modifier.patch Same patch for kernel 2.6.0-test7-benh. download therm_adt7467.c Not a patch; Kernel (2.4) module to allow fine control of the iBook G4's fan controller. 2.6 version is here. download mc-4.5.55-command_click.patch This patch lets GMC use mod2 (Command key on my distro)instead of control for multi-selection. download mc-4.5.55-copy_paste.patch This patch adds a copy/paste files buffer to GMC. Easier than the Copy to function present in File menu. download mozilla-0.9.8-meta_key.patch This patch lets Mozilla 0.9.8 use mod2 instead of control to open links in new windows. download mozilla-1.0rc1-mod2_alt.patch This patch lets Mozilla recognize mod2 as Alt modifier. LinuxPPC specific too :-) Is useful with the next one. download mozilla-1.0rc1-modifier_pref.patch This patch allows Mozilla 1.0rc1's user to specify which modifier should be used to open links in new windows or tabs. The preference can be found in "Edit/Preferences.../Navigator/Smart browsing" panel. download pan- This patch allows Pan user to specify a different color to view messages which are answers to his own posts, in the article list. It also adds a "Go to next unread answer" to the Navigate menu. I made it because I skipped too much answers to my posts :-) download pan-0.11.2-ssl.patch Adds Pan an option to use SNews servers (news servers over SSL). To be applied soon. download pan- Same patch, for last Pan version. download pan-0.11.4-utf8.diff Make pan handle UTF-8 decoding. download xmms-1.2.7cvs-scoring.patch This patch implements a simple scoring to XMMS. Skipped songs are lower scored, manually selected are upper scored. download xmms-1.2.7-focus.patch Allows the XMMS main window to come back to front when user focuses the playlist. download xmms-cant_open_audio.patch This patch makes XMMS try three times to open audio before giving up. download clock_applet.diff This patch adds a basic calendar, accessible via contextual menu, to Gnome's standard clock applet. It applies to gnome-core and probably many versions before/after, as this file is unchanged since long :) download mixer_applet_speaker.patch This patch modifies mixer_applet (gnome-applets-1.4 package): mute button is dropped out (it isn't very useful) and replaced by a switcher button that allows separate setting of main volume and speaker volume. download galeon_new_win.patch This patch adds ability to open new window using Alt or Ctrl in Galeon. download galeon_download_stats.patch This patch adds a status bar with statistics about number of download / total transfer rate in the download manager. download galeon_new_process.patch This patch adds the availability to run a new galeon process when one exists. It could be harmful to your data (history, cache, bookmarks), so session saving is disabled in such processes. download gnoise-0.1.15-gmix.patch This patch adds a "Run gmix" menu item to GNoise. download pbbuttons-0.4-lightoff.patch This patch allows pbbuttonsd to shut the screen completely down. download tasklist_applet-groupwidth.patch This patch allows tasklist applet's groups to be large enough to see the window names. download xlockmore-4.17.2-count_failed.patch This patch for Xlockmore 4.17.2 counts failed login attempts and display them. All the people out there to get you won't even dare to try to guess your password ;-) download chromium-0.9-sdlmixer.patch This patch for Chromium B.S.U. 0.9 makes it easier using SDL_Mixer instead of OpenAL for the sound. OpenAL is ok, but works really bad on Powerpc at least. download xpdf-0.92-permissions.diff This patch disables xpdf's permission checking. I do want to be able to copy/paste/print the documents that i'm able to view. download gnome-cd-paranoia.diff This patch adds cdparanoia support to gnome-cd. Useful for computers with no line-out from CD to soundcard, like my laptop. Apply with -p1, run autoconf and ./configure --enable-paranoia. download [back]