from Windows to Linux [back]
  It is now commonly admitted that Unices and free Unix clones like GNU/Linux 
  are better than Windows-family OSes for server uses. But what for workstations ?
  Many people tend to say Linux isn't yet useable for daily tasks.
  This is, in my opinion, a wrong assertion ; I use Linux distributions everyday 
  with no difficulties.
  Given that you chose a recent distribution, you won't have much pain installing it.
  USB, accelerated video and so on work out-of-the-box on most x86 distros.
  This page is not aimed at installing or configuring a distro, as many, many web 
  pages should already help you in these tasks.
  It'll just present you a list of software allowing you to perform the same tasks, 
  often better, that you did on Windows.
  | Windows                              | Linux                               |
  | Internet Explorer                    | Mozilla                             |
  |                                      | Galeon                              |
  | Outlook Express                      | Claws Mail                          |
  |                                      | Pan                                 |
  | Office                               | OpenOffice                          |
  |                                      | Abiword                             |
  |                                      | Gnumeric                            |
  | Windows Media Player, DVD softs      | Mplayer                             |
  |                                      | Ogle                                |
  | Editplus, text editors               | Nedit                               |
  | Winamp                               | XMMS                                |
  | Messengers (MSN, Yahoo, ...)         | Everybuddy                          |
  | Media encoding (mp3, avi)            | Grip                                |
  |                                      | mplayer                             |
  | Photoshop, PaintShopPro              | Gimp                                |
  | ACDSee                               | Gqview                              |
  | Games                                |                  |
  Feel free to tell me if I missed important things - I put in everything I use :-)